Monday, August 20, 2012

Know When to Cut Your Losses

So, this is a running theme in my head. Know when to cut your losses. On an average day, I’ll make a list of things that need to get done. (List? Yes. I’m a Scorpio after all) Dry Cleaners, Grocery store, Shop for new outfit for anniversary, Pick up gift for birthday party, Bottle of wine for Moms Night Out this weekend, you get the picture. I put the errands in order, from absolutely needs to get done to if I have time. Once I have that done, I tear the list in half. Start at the top and head out. I’m going to be too exhausted after the grocery store to care if the dry cleaning gets picked up or not but we all have to eat right?
I truly believe that I did something awful in a previous life in order to be required to go through the Teething stage three times. My daughter, the almost two-year old, is getting her canine teeth. Three of them at once. I think it’s even worse that they have to go through it. Attacks can happen at any time, without warning. She’s whiny, cries all the time, everything requires five times the tantrum than necessary. And she’s clumsier than normal which just amounts to a perfect storm.
Take today for instance, we went to our friend’s sons’ birthday party. A lovely, and completely abnormal 80 degree summer day. It’s wonderful out, a little overcast, saturday and my husband is home to help me take the kids to the party, at a local park. Ten minutes into the party, and she’s become a crying snotball. I’m ready to toss her into the trunk of the car for the afternoon (DONT actually do this!!). My husband is looking at me like my head is about to explode and all the other parents are giving me that sympathizing, kind of annoyed, how’s she going to calm down that rabbid child-look. You know “the look.”
Solution: cut your losses! I left my husband with the two happy boys at the party. Took the baby girl to the nearest drug store for emergency pain relief and a small amount of candy becasuse I’m a sucker. She was totally happy after that, but we missed most of the party.

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