Thursday, August 30, 2012

The best tool in your arsenal

For some time, I've been working on topics for this blog. Some are long and some are short, some memorable or flippant, some are good advice and some are the ramblings of a lady who feels older every day. So as hurricane Isaac gets closer to Missouri, a place we don't EVER worry about hurricanes, I'm planning my day for tomorrow. It's supposed to be pouring rain. Which brings me to my topic today, the best tool in your "mommy arsenal" is your car.

I have no idea how new yorker mommies do it, my car is one of my best friends. Without my car, I'd be lost. I'd carry around big bags of stuff like other mommies, pretending to be a pack mule and that each piece of luggage is a necessary and essential part of the day.  I drive a Honda Pilot, which isn't really a car at all, but an SUV. I've had people try to talk me into a Mini Van, and although I dearly miss my Camry's gas mileage, and my mustang GT,  the Pilot is about as good as it gets. I happened to luck into a deluxe model, which not only has a DVD player to keep the kids quiet, but has a snazzy system that allows them to watch TV while I play the radio up front. I love music. Happy or sad, there's a song for every mood.

I used to be one of those parents who hated car DVD players. Why would the kids need to watch TV in the car? They'll miss all the wonderful sights on the highway. When I was little, we used to look out the winder and yada yada. Really, we take the same route into town each day and nothing ever really changes on it. Gradually I learned that car time is my time.. It's a great opportunity to turn on the DVD player and while it's quiet,  return a missed phone call, make a mental grocery list, or do my makeup. Just kidding, never do your makeup in the car.

My Pilot carries all of my crap. Dozens of diapers in different sizes, the double stroller, multiple changes of clothes for each family member just "in case", my wallet, spare change and cash, an extra pair of flip flops in case my shoes make my feet hurt, toys and movies for the kids, snacks, an umbrella, and anything else I need. It has a flat deck area in back for diaper changes in the parking lot, and the hatch will keep me dry while I change that diaper in the rain. That will come in handy tomorrow while I'm running to the store, dropping my son off at school, and going on a play date with my daughter. Noah can build the ark, and I'll still run errands.

In the war for motherhood, your car is the absolute best tool. I never have to carry around bags of stuff like other moms, especially since I have three kids, I don't have a hand to devote to a huge bag or purse. My car IS my purse. And it even makes my butt look smaller.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree. I'm a minimalist mommy and almost never dragged a diaper bag around...but if I needed it, it was in the car. Except for the sunscreen! Which you have offered when I didn't have any :)
